10-10-10 Project: Meet Stephanie Guimond

Day three of the 10-10-10 project is here! I've asked each of the participants the same question, and am sharing their answers with you here.  Today I'm honored to be featuring Stephanie Guimond - Artist, visionary, avid left-brainer. 

Name of business:

Stephanie Guimond - Artist, visionary, avid left-brainer

Social media links:
Blog - Etsy - Facebook - Twitter - Artist Profile

I'm Stephanie Guimond, artist, visionary and avid left-brainer. I paint, I dream big and I love spreadsheets.

In 2008 I picked up a paint brush for the first time since kindergarten and haven't put it down since. My art, like myself, varies in style and personality from the vintage girly to the unexplainable abstract. The most common theme is visibly the feminine, but I'm always exploring...

Working with materials like acrylics, paper, pastels and ink, I'm drawn to an intuitive and fluid approach to painting where images appear organically before being polished into a finished product. Because of this intuitive nature, pieces are heavily influenced by what I'm living the week, the day or the moment they are created. They reflect a personal story that in an odd way infuses them with a universal quality.

I share my home with hubby and Cassie, our Golden Retriever. I left my 9-5 job last fall to try something different, and spend most of my days working in my guest bedroom turned office/studio creating art and other paid work that supports the life I want to create overall.

I am grateful for the opportunity.

Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose? What value is there to having that aligned?

I don't think it's necessary, no.

Some people are content and quite happy to exchange fair work for fair payment, where payment may be money, time, flexibility or anything else that allows them to fulfill their soul's purpose elsewhere. For example, someone may choose to become an independent consultant because it allows them a flexible schedule for travel; travel is their soul purpose, not the work.

Others look for more. For these folks, having business and soul align can be a powerful motivator and get them through the difficulties that come with starting a business and keeping it running.

I see value in both, it really depends on the individual. I suspect I fall somewhere in between.

Current projects: a new Website, growing my business with a new left-brain offering called Get Clear, Get Moving (coming soon!), learning to balance it all in my own way

A note from Laura: I'll be continuing the 10-10-10 project in the coming days with answers from 5 other talented women on this very question!

For more information on the 101010 Project and to see all the questions and answers check out the 101010 Website.  (Note: Due to life's unexpected twists and turns, this session of the 101010 Project features eight participants instead of the intended 10.)

Laura is a marketing professional and blogger who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog
via Email or  RSS. Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn


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