10-10-10 Project: Meet Dani Keith

You may recall I shared the 10-10-10 project with you just a few weeks ago. The time has come to begin sharing these goodness-filled posts with you! Allow me to introduce Dani Keith...

artist name: dani keith

business name: {dani keith designs}
years in business: 2

brief bio:
maker of pretty things. grower of dreams. catalyst for creativity.

dani keith has been creating for a lifetime. in the spring of 2010 she was set up on a blind date with metalsmithing, and she says it was instant, true and deep love at first fuzing! {dk} is constantly evolving, and dani is genuinely excited to see where each turn takes her.

artist statement: "I find the beauty in the simple geometry of shape and transform metal into a story that the wearer wants to be apart of"

Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose? What value is there to having that aligned?

I definitely think that discovering what feeds my soul and applying that discovery to my daily work has been essential to the success of my business.  Before starting and devoting my full time efforts to {dk} designs, I worked a traditional and corporate job; it was lucrative but soul crushing. The clarity that you get when you listen to that little voice inside out weighs the fear of starting something new, something creative, something that is all yours.  Producing work that you believe in and that you have a passion for nourishes your soul and for me is one of my highest priorities.

A note from Laura: I'll be continuing the 10-10-10 project in the coming days with answers from 7 other talented women on this very question!

For more information on the 101010 Project and to see all the questions and answers check out the 101010 Website.  (Note: Due to life's unexpected twists & turns, this session of the 101010 Project features eight participants instead of the intended 10.)

Laura is a marketing professional and blogger who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog via Email or  RSS. Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn.


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