Your Facebook Business Page Impression Questions Answered...A "Facebook Friday" Post

It’s another “Facebook Friday” together, and Facebook has again made the headlines this week with their “new profile” format upgrade.  Since I try to share online news/tips with you as they happen, I posted the info on this change on Monday. If you missed it, hop over to that post here.

Today, I'd like to touch back on Facebook business page impressions.  You shared some great questions/comments on my facebook impressions post from a few weeks ago. I’d like to highlight the most common question below, and share my response.  If you missed my post on analyzing Facebook business page impressions, it’s over here.  Also, please send in any other questions you may have via a comment below. Thanks!


Can you please explain to me where the number of [Facebook business page] impressions is coming from? I know nothing about marketing but I have a photography business page. I have 656 people who like me, so I understand that when I make a post, I would get 656 impressions from that post going on their wall, but if I have 2,015 impressions, where did all those other ones come from? Are they the same people looking at the post more than once? I am not quite getting this. Thanks!

My response:

The more interaction your business page Facebook status update/link/photo/video/etc. generates, the more likely it is to show up as "top news" in the "top news" feed. Since many people have "top news" as their default Facebook feed, you have the potential to generate many more impressions with a business page update with interaction (likes/comments) than a business page status update where people have NOT responded or "liked" that particular update. Why? Well, "top news" stays at the top of your friends' Facebook feeds longer.

I've also noticed that if you tag a person in one of your business page photos, that photo will appear on his/her wall, thereby increasing the number of impressions for that photo (and potentially for the entire photo album).

Have you taken a look at your business page impressions from update-to-update, photo-to-photo, etc? A good place to start digesting this information is simply by pulling up your Facebook business page (after you’ve logged into Facebook) and scanning your wall for the impressions numbers posted below each of your posts.

Keep reading...

Laura Catherine Otero is a marketing professional and blogger in CharlestonSC who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog via Email or  RSSLaura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn

She is accepting clients in need of:
Website Design ~ Social Media Management ~ Facebook Business Page Design
Twitter Profile Design ~ Blog Design ~ Logo Design ~ Print Design
Press Release Writing and Distribution ~ Email Marketing ~ And More

Contact Laura to discuss your unique marketing needs!


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