The #Superbowl on Twitter: A "Twitter Tuesday" Post

I’m not much of a sports fan.  In fact, I don’t always remember to watch the Superbowl.  Gasp. I remember one year my sister and I went out to dinner during the Superbowl.  We couldn’t figure out why *no one* was at the restaurant.  Yep. That was us. I digress!

I was fascinated by the #Superbowl tweets this year.  My friend Alesya did an awesome job of tweeting about the Superbowl commercials.  I decided to tune in to the Superbowl and pay close attention to Twitter after I noticed her tweets.  Thanks, Alesya. I needed that!  

Five #Superbowl Twitter Observations…

  1. Something small but still fun…I loved that Twitter created a football icon that displayed each time the Superbowl hashtag (#Superbowl) was tweeted (see the football above).
  2.  I loved the excitement and “conversation” that was taking place all around the world, about the same topic.  This happens *all the time* on Twitter.  It’s one of the (many) reasons Twitter is amazing.
  3. In fact, I retweeted a few #Superbowl tweets from people I don’t follow or tweet with.  I checked their profiles out first, and am now tweeting with some new and interesting folks I wouldn’t have otherwise connected with.  
  4. Twitter made the #Superbowl interactive and interesting for those of us who aren’t huge sports fans. Just sayin’.
  5. VISA NFL was a promoted tweeter (paid advertiser) on Twitter during the #Superbowl.  What does this mean? Their tweets appeared at the top of the #Superbowl tweetstream.  See below. 

Did you tweet and watch the #Superbowl at the same time? Or, like me, did you tweet, watch the superbowl, write 3 blog posts, watch Youtube videos, check email, and work during the #Superbowl?  I’m sure I’m not the only one who multi-tasked!

Laura Catherine Otero is a marketing professional and blogger in Charleston, SC who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog via Email or  RSS. Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn


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