How to Add Twitter Lists to Hootsuite: A "Tutorial Thursday" Post

Happy "Tutorial Thursday"! I have a Hootsuite tutorial (specific to Twitter lists) to share and hope you’ll find it helpful.  

Hootsuite is a recurring topic in this space.  I love it for social media management, and especially love the “scheduling” feature that allows me to space tweets out over the course of a day. I’ve talked about Hootsuite and it’s features over several posts in this space.  Want a quick recap? See the end of this post.  Today we’ll be talking about how to bring your Twitter lists into Hootsuite.

Why Twitter lists?  Well, if you’re following hundreds (or thousands) of folks on Twitter, you’ve probably already realized the benefits of using Twitter lists to manage those you follow.  I’ve talked about Twitter lists before, and how to create them.  

When I first started using Hootsuite, I missed my twitter lists.  I didn’t realize (at the time) that I could bring them into Hootsuite!  I’m sharing the tutorial below and hope you find it helpful.   I’ll be back tomorrow for “Facebook Friday” together.

How to Add Your Twitter Lists into Hootsuite

  1. Login to Hootsuite
  2. Click on your Twitter tab
  3. Click on “add stream”
  4. Click on the “lists” tab in the pop-up window that appears
  5. Click on your Twitter profile icon, this will display your Twitter lists
  6. Select the list(s) you’d like to add as a stream
  7. Click on “add stream”.  You'll find your new Twitter list(s) will appear in your Twitter tab as a stream (see below).

Other helpful Hootsuite tutorial posts:

 Laura Catherine Otero is a marketing professional and blogger in Charleston, SC who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog via Email or  RSS. Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn


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