Special Announcement!

It’s a big day here on the blog! I have been hinting at possible changes, but didn’t want to share all the details until everything was squared away. I also wanted to make sure all felt well since it’s a big step for me.

Since a blog about marketing isn’t quite the place to share my journey towards living an inspired life, the time has come (hooray!) to make a new home, just for that part of my writing. Not to worry, this blog isn’t going away. I’ve just decided to house the artful, creative side of my writing on my new blog, and to keep the marketing goodness and tutorials for you here in this place.

Allow me to introduce LauraCatherine.co!

Think about this space as my marketing biz blog and my new space as my personal blog.

I’d like to invite you to come visit me in my new place, LauraCatherine.co to read about my journey towards living an inspired life. That’s where I’ll be sharing my bits of motivation + inspiration, plus art journaling, photos, and wherever else this creative journey takes me! I've pulled over my "Motivation Monday" and "Be Inspired Wednesday" posts over to my new place, with more to come!

If you’re a reader here for the marketing tips and tutorials, you’re still in the right place! I’ll continue to post online marketing tips and tutorials for you here in this space.

If you read via RSS or email, be sure to sign up for my new blog posts via email or RSS to get lots of creative, honest goodness. There’s much more to come, and I couldn’t be more excited about having an official home for my artful journey.

The RSS and email feeds for this blog, Strategic Online Marketing, will continue to run smoothly, just without the motivation + inspirational posts.

I’m truly honored and humbled that you’ve chosen to join me on this journey, and can’t wait for what lies ahead.
Laura Catherine Otero is a marketing professional and blogger in Charleston, SC who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog via Email or  RSS. Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn


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