Are You on Google+ Yet?

I was fortunate to get a Google+ account soon after the network launched. Here are my thoughts on the network...

At first, it was exciting to feel like I was one of the first folks in Charleston on Google+.  But, that also made it difficult to really connect with my friends (local and online), since many weren’t on the network yet and didn’t “get it”. 

Think about this: My first few weeks on Google+, I really had to sort through all my contacts to find 20 or 30 on Google+.  On Facebook, that number would have been in the hundreds, easily.

That said, the smaller “circle” wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.  The Google+ stream wasn’t flooded, making it easy to follow updates from others and engage in friendly conversation. Sure, I missed my Facebook friends, but is it really possible to be “friends” and engage with 900 or so folks on a regular basis?

A look at the stream in Google+...

Typically I would have written a review about Google+ right away, walking you through the features and benefits.  This time I decided to take my time to really get to know Google + before I shared my experience with you here.  Was it user friendly? Did I “get it”? Did I love it?  Hate it? Did I really need another social network?

There seem to be plenty of opinions on both sides of the Google+ argument.

Here’s what I like:

  • Although it may be seen as a disadvantage, I like that everyone is not on Google+ yet.  It’s easier to follow the stream and engage with others. 

  • With Google+, it’s seems pretty acceptable to add folks to your circle, regardless of if you’ve met or know each other.  Sending a friend request to a stranger on Facebook (perhaps a blogger you follow or someone you want to get to know) can come across as creepy.  It’s easy to follow top bloggers and social media experts on Google+. 

  • Updates and comments seem more engaged.  Responses are welcome.

  • Google+ feels like a calm place.  Stop by, stay a while, leave for a few days, and you won’t have missed anything earth-shattering.  With Facebook, there is just so much going on, that I have found it can sometimes be overwhelming for me. 
  • Being able to create "circles" based on my relationships with my connections makes great sense.  For example, I have a "personal friends" circle and a "top bloggers" circle.  Things I may share with my personal friends might not make sense to share with top bloggers, many of whom I do not know personally.  So, I do like the sharing options.  Each time you post an update, you get to determine who sees it.  Brilliant! 
  • Your Google+ profile can be customized to showcase your websites, blogs, photos, etc.  It feels a bit more professional and visible than Facebook. 
    My Google+ Profile
Here’s where I’m not sure:

  • Something that is a plus can also be a challenge.  If I wanted to send out an event invite or notify all of my friends about something, Google+ isn’t the place to do that yet.
  • I hear some pretty big things are coming for biz pages on Google+, but I haven’t seen them yet.  For a business with thousands of fans on Facebook, making the move to Google+ will certainly need to be approached strategically.
  • It’s another network to keep up with.  Since it may be years until the majority of Facebook users feel the need to leave Facebook (Can you imagine? If it seems impossible, think MySpace.  Need I say more?).  There really are only so many hours in the day.  I have multiple accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and numerous blogs as well.  At a certain point, it can easily consume far too much time if I’m not careful. 
Should you try out Google+? If you aren't already overwhelmed/consumed with various social networks, go for it! If you need an invite, let me know.  For my line of work, I needed to give it a try and get to know the features.  It's been enjoyable and low maintenance so far!

Already on Google+? Circle me up! :)

Laura Catherine Otero is a marketing professional and blogger in Charleston, SC who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog via Email or  RSS. Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn.



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