The Facebook Sweepstakes Journey is Wonderful!

Last week on “Facebook Friday” we talked about Facebook sweepstakes.  You may recall something caught my attention as I was researching the ins and outs of holding a sweepstakes on facebook…

“The facebook business page that offers contests/special promotions has (on average) twice as many fans as the facebook business page that does not.”

Wow! This continues to impress and amaze me. Even better, running a sweepstakes on Facebook doesn’t have to be expensive! Sure, there are always the total bells-and-whistles upgraded features for top dollar amounts (thousands), but you can run a week-long sweepstakes with Wildfire app for less than $50 (at the time of this post). I wanted to run a sweepstakes, and I was buzzing with ideas on how I could try this awesome application out!   The timing just happened to be perfect (totally meant-to-be) for me to create a facebook sweepstakes for my dear friend Kelly Thiel.

Kelly launched her new logo and look this week. I had the privilege of being the designer behind her new look (thank you, Kelly!).  Of course, her beautiful art speaks for itself and really helped pull the graphic elements together so nicely!  The new look was cause for a real celebration! She’d already been working on a special giveaway, since we’d discussed it during one of our weekly meet-ups a month or so ago.

The original plan was to hold a giveaway on her blog.  With this new sweepstakes revelation I’d been having, though, she was game to give that a go instead!  We created an account with Wildfire app, and within minutes were working on building her sweepstakes! Best. Idea. Ever!

I’m including links to her sweepstakes. Please visit today! It ends Monday, so you won’t be able to view and experience the features for long.  I’m including screengrabs below as well, for future reference.

How Did We Build the Sweepstakes?
We built the sweepstakes using Wildfire. 

Sign-up takes just a minute, and then you can start building your sweepstakes!

Campaign creation is a 6-step process:
  1. Enter Campaign Details
  2. Establish a Timeline
  3. Customize Your Entry Form
  4. Upload your Banners/Graphics
  5. Create your sweepstakes Rules
  6. Publish your sweepstakes (lots of handy tools in the publish feature!)
Screengrabs of Kelly's Sweepstakes (for future reference...the contest ends Monday, March 7.  Hop over and enter before then!):

Laura Catherine Otero is a marketing professional and blogger in Charleston, SC who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog via Email or  RSS. Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn


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