Q&A Friday: Today's Topic - Twitter & Facebook

One of my dear friends asked me some great questions today about Facebook and Twitter. I’m posting her question and my response below. Happy Friday!

How common is it for seniors to be twittering and facebooking? Is it rampant?
Should businesses be investing serious ad dollars towards social media just yet?

Twitter stats as of April, 2010 (as released by Twitter, thank you http://www.BusinessInsider.com for this info)

  • 106 million users. It is adding 300,000 per day
  • Draws 180 million unique visitors.
  • 75% of twitter traffic is outside of Twitter.com (meaning people are accessing it via apps).
  • There are 55 million tweets/day
  • Twitter’s search engine gets 600 million queries/day

For the reasons above and because Twitter is FREE, I do recommend a business get started on Twitter. Please see previous posts about this topic.


Have a great weekend, all!


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