Takeaway #2 about the new timeline for pages format on Facebook: Default Tabs

The second takeaway from the webinars I attended last week regarding the new Facebook timeline format: we can no longer use a “welcome” or other tab/screen as the default landing screen in the new Facebook timeline format for pages.  Instead, your cover photo and wall will be the first thing people see.  This doesn’t mean these custom tabs are going away – it just means we’ll have to drive traffic to them in a different way.

It’s time to really focus on a strategy for the cover photo, since what you place in that space is a big part of people's first impression of your brand/business.

Just to recap from my last post re: the cover photo, here are a things to consider:
• Your cover photo can’t include price or purchase information about your products or services
• Your cover photo can’t include any contact information about your brand
• Your cover photo can’t include a call-to-action (“like us for a chance/coupon/special offer…” etc.)

I like the nice width on the cover photo, and belive there is a lot you can do with 850 X 315 pixels!
I’ve come across a few great cover photos on pages that have made the switch to the new timeline format and wanted to share them with you here to get your creative juices flowing! I’ll be sharing more as I come across them!

1) Hay Hill Garden Market
What a beautiful way to showcase a beautiful photo.

2) Mackenzie Image Consulting
Love this gorgeous photo! These ladies have it together and it shows.
Remember, there are plenty of great uses for the cover photo space!  
  • Beautiful branding presented in a crisp, classy design.
  • Exceptional photography that showcases your business best.
  • Playful designs that make good use of the space.
  • And more!
Until next time…

Laura is a marketing professional and blogger who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog
via Email or  RSS. Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn.


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