How to Schedule Blog Posts using Blogger or (A Tutorial Thursday Post)

If you maintain a blog, you may be able to relate to the feeling of overwhelm that occasionally visits regarding the creation of good content/posts.  This feeling may a member of the “I don’t know what to post” family, or even worse, the dangerous perfectionism bug.  Perfectionism when blogging can tear away at an otherwise great post until your self-doubt sinks in.  Before you know it, you’ve wasted time find yourself getting frustrated. Here’s the lifesaver: scheduling blog posts in advance using the “schedule” feature available on blogger and/or

This tutorial is here to help us move beyond these negative feelings, and into a positive, prepared blogging mode!  Let's talk about how to schedule blog posts using blogger or  

STEP ONE – Take Time and WriteTo get started, seize the moment on a particularly creative day (when you’re feeling “in the zone”, smile) and get to writing! Don’t just write one post…write until you run out of creative energy and/or time that day. I have found that Saturday afternoon is a good day/time for me to block out some writing time for blogging.  I’m relaxed and in my home environment.  There aren’t deadlines (per se).  Think about playing your favorite music in the background, pay attention to your lighting (mood and natural light are both great), ask your family to give you a little quiet time to work away and be creative. 

For example, if your Monday theme is “motivation”, do your best to create 3 or 4 “Motivation Monday”posts so you’ll have them ready in queue.  I found that right away, I enjoyed blogging and working this way so much more than waiting until the morning of to create a post. 

STEP TWO – Blogger Instructions – How to Schedule Your Blog Posts Using Blogger
Create your post just as you normally would, but do not post/publish just yet.

Once you are happy with your post and are comfortable with it being published “as is”,  click on “post options” on the left-hand side (opposite the space where you type in your labels/tags).  This will expand the space to show the handy scheduler! Fill the “scheduled at” radio button and type in your desired publish date/time.  Now it is ok to click on the “publish post” button. 

Your post will automatically go LIVE on your blog at the scheduled date/time.  If for some reason you want to make changes to your post or change the date/time for publishing, click on the “edit posts” from your dashboard, then “scheduled” on the next screen (top right). 

STEP TWO  - Instructions – How to Schedule Your Blog Posts Using

Create your post just as you normally would, but do not post/publish just yet.

Once you are happy with your post and are comfortable with it being published “as is”,  click on “edit” next to the “Publish Immediately” option under “Publish” on the top right-hand side of your screen.  This will allow you to schedule a date/time for publishing.  Once you’ve entered your desired date/time for publishing, click on “publish”

Your post will automatically go LIVE on your blog at the scheduled date/time.  If for some reason you want to make changes to your post or change the date/time for publishing, from your dashboard, click on “posts” and “all” to display your posts (both published and in queue).

Laura Catherine Otero is a marketing professional and blogger in
Charleston, SC who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog via Email or  RSS.

She is accepting clients in need of:
Website Design
Social Nedia Management
Facebook Business Page Design
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Blog Design
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Press Release Writing & Distribution
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And More

Contact Laura to discuss your unique marketing needs!

Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn


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