Time to Replace iGoogle with New Reader Service

If you're a longtime reader, you already know how much I enjoy reading through my favorite blog feeds on iGoogle. At the time of this post, I have close to 75 blog feeds aggregated on my iGoogle page, allowing me to quickly scan the "headlines" (latest posts) and dive further to read a preview or the full post.

The recent announcement by Google that they will be retiring iGoogle effective November 1, 2013 has prompted me to find a replacement for the service.  I've looked before, because browsing my favorite blogs via iGoogle on my iPhone is sometimes wonky (turns out they had an iGoogle app that has since been retired).

Now I'm in the market for an RSS aggregator that works/displays as beautifully on a mobile device as it does on my computer screen.  In reading this post about the best free RSS readers, it looks like I should test drive Feedly and create a Google Reader (different than iGoogle) account.  

Since browsing my feeds on my iPhone is something I'd like to be able to do, I'm also referring to this post.  I'm noticing a trend...most sync with Google Reader, so it looks like I need to customize my Google Reader account with my favorite blogs. 

I'll be test-driving a few reader apps/products in the coming weeks and will bring my favorites to you soon! If you already have a favorite, share it with us below. Thanks!

Laura is a marketing professional and blogger who has been active in social media since 2005.  If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog
via Email or  RSS. Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn


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